
Kayser Filtertech aerial


Baustraße 38
37574 Einbeck

Phone: +49 5561 7902-0

Commercial Register: Amtsgericht Göttingen, HRB 131129
Tax number: 12/213/00102
Sales Tax Identification Number: DE 277 264 897

Executive Board: Dirk Brähler
Responsible for the content: Dirk Brähler

content of the website

Legal information for visitors to our website

KAYSER FILTERTECH GmbH has created the content of this website with the greatest possible care and endeavors to provide correct and complete information on this website. However, it assumes no liability for the correctness, completeness and topicality of the information provided. The use of the retrievable content is at the user's own risk.

The use of this website of the company KAYSER FILTERTECH GmbH does not result in any contractual relationship between the user and the company KAYSER FILTERTECH GmbH. In this respect, there are no contractual or quasi-contractual claims against KAYSER FILTERTECH GmbH:

In the event that the use of the website should lead to a contractual relationship, the following limitation of liability applies purely as a precaution: KAYSER FILTERTECH GmbH is only liable for intent and gross negligence and in the event of a breach of an essential contractual obligation (cardinal obligation). KAYSER FILTERTECH GmbH is liable, limited to compensation for the typical contract damage that was foreseeable at the time the contract was concluded, for damage that is based on a breach of cardinal obligations by it or one of its legal representatives or vicarious agents. KAYSER FILTERTECH GmbH is not liable for slightly negligent breaches of secondary obligations that are not cardinal obligations. Liability for damage that falls within the scope of a guarantee or assurance given by KAYSER FILTERTECH GmbH that falls within the scope of the statutory warranty obligation, as well as liability for claims based on the Product Liability Act and damage resulting from injury to life, limb or Health remains unaffected.

KAYSER FILTERTECH GmbH expressly reserves the right to change, supplement or delete parts of the website or the entire content or to temporarily or permanently cease publication without prior notice.

Reference ("Links")

This website may contain links to third-party websites ("external links"). These third-party websites are subject to the liability of the respective operator. When the external links were first linked, KAYSER FILTERTECH GmbH checked the third-party content for any legal violations. At this time there were no legal violations. KAYSER FILTERTECH GmbH has no influence whatsoever on the current and future design and content of the linked pages. The setting of external links does not mean that A. KAYSER GmbH & Co. KG TEXTILE FILERMEDIEN adopts the content behind the reference or link as its own. Constant monitoring of these external links is not reasonable for KAYSER FILTERTECH GmbH without concrete evidence of legal violations. However, if we become aware of legal violations, such external links will be deleted immediately.

Worldwide availability of products

This website may contain information about KAYSER FILTERTECH GmbH products that are not yet available in your country. The presence of such information on this website does not imply the intention of KAYSER FILTERTECH GmbH to announce product availability around the world.

data protection

KAYSER FILTERTECH GmbH only stores personal data about users of its website if consent has been given for this. The user's personal data, which the user has given their consent to, will only be used to process an inquiry or within the framework in which consent was given and in compliance with the applicable data protection regulations. KAYSER FILTERTECH GmbH will never transmit this data to other companies for their independent use.

Copyright, trademark law, other rights of third parties

KAYSER FILTERTECH GmbH endeavors to observe applicable copyrights, trademark rights and other third-party rights in all publications. Should an infringement nevertheless occur, KAYSER FILTERTECH GmbH will rectify this situation immediately. All brands and labels mentioned on the website and possibly protected by third parties are subject without restriction to the provisions of the applicable law and the property rights of the respective registered owner. The conclusion that brands are not protected by the rights of third parties should not be drawn solely on the basis of the mere mention.

KAYSER FILTERTECH GmbH alone is entitled to the copyright for the content of the domain All images, the KAYSER logo, graphics, texts, product names, sound, video and animation files on this website are subject to copyright and trademark law or other protective laws. Duplication, modification or use in other electronic or printed publications is not permitted without the express consent of KAYSER FILTERTECH GmbH.

legal effect

These notes are to be regarded as part of the website from which reference was made to this page. If parts or individual formulations of this text do not, no longer or not completely correspond to the applicable legal situation, the remaining parts remain unaffected in their content and validity.